Minecraft Binary Plot

Fibonacci Sequence Binary Plot

The program creates an array of numbers, starting with 1, 1, and then array[n-1] + array [n-2]. To convert the number to binary, while x > 1: we find x mod 2 and then set to x = floor (x/2). The program creates a black and white binary plot of the Fibonacci sequence like this:



Here is the MakeCode JavaScript for this program:

let blocktype = 0
let list: number[] = []
let binarray: number[] = []
let item = 0
let x = 0
let height = 0
let column = 0
player.onChat("run", function () {

function fibiter() {
  column = 0
  for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    item = 1
    list.insertAt(0, item)
    int = item
    column = column + 1
  for (let i = 0; i < 87; i++) {
    item = list[0] + list[1]
    list.insertAt(0, item)
    int = item
    column += 1

function inttobin() {
  height = 0
  while (0 < int) {
  binarray.insertAt(0, int % 2)
  if (int % 2 == 0) {
    blocktype = blocks.block(Block.BlockOfQuartz)
  } else {
    blocktype = blocks.block(Block.Obsidian)
  blocks.place(blocktype, positions.create(30, height, column))
  int = Math.floor(int/2)
  height += 1
let int = 0
x = 0

And here is the result:


You can see in the lower left hand side of the triangle where the computational limit of MakeCode is reached in converting the Fibonacci number to binary (it appears as a triangle of white blocks, or zeroes).